About Us

White Tiger Ground is a global group of international cooperation R&D, manufacturing, and trade expansion strategy by experts and deep learning neural network.

Based in New York and East Asia (mainly Seoul), White Tiger Ground carries out various projects and services across Europe, the United States, and Asia to help our partners expand their business globally over their local market.

We see the globe as a single market on the I.C.T(Information and Communication Technologies) that allows liberal inflow and outflow of workforce and funds. The world is in the transition of the next growth market such as India, Africa, and Vietnam. This period requires the industrial, technical, and creative exchange and cooperation between countries. Thus, understanding the cross-cultural perspective is the most important matter if you consider extending your business size into the global market.

To help the exchange of global insights and activities, White Tiger Ground created worldwide services, Skillconnector and Organic Net. Skillconnector will focus on increasing technology quality, trading volume, and right skill matching between job offerers and skill providers. Organic Net service will help us protect both nature and humans for a sustainable planet by working together based on Bio and artificial intelligence convergence technology.

Also, we will primarily take part in Triple Helix activities (based on University-Industry-Government Relations, Three-party solidarity structure to derive the right direction for the world) by analysing various projects and those results.

White Tiger Gound’s expertise spans global joint R&D, trading, distributing, good corporate governance, global business development, sustainable development,
corporate social responsibility and social responsible investment.

We are not successful until successful All Together.

From CEO Stella-Kwanyoung-Park    박 관 영

Our Area

International Business

– Market Research

– Feasibility studies

– Target Market Segmentation

– Market Analytics

– Entry and Growth Strategy

– Business Development

– International Networking

Global Insight Exchange

– Entrepreneurship Development

– Idea Incubating

– Innovation Challenge

– Staffing & Human resource

R&D, OEDM, and Branding & PR

– White & Green Active Bio (Andkwan Natural Science Laboratory)

– New Eco Materials R&D, OEM/ODM including Cosmetics, Healthy F&B, and Living Supplies

– OEM/ODM Apparel including Fashion items such as bags and accessories

– Product and Brand Development including Design

– Marketing Planning & Execution

– Localisation

Global Trading

– Worldwide Distribution of Visible things

– Knowledge Trading
   : Contents, Theoretical Concepts, Documents, and so on

– International Expertise Seminar

– Supply Chain Management

Contact Us

Please, contact us for any enquiries

Please, refer the map below to come in our seminars in the UK.

UK Office: NG1 5LT, Goldsmith St, Nottingham, UK

USA, New York Office: 139 CENTRE ST SIE 304 NEW YORK NY 10013-4554
S. KOREA Office
1. 대전광역시 서구 월평북로 85  2. 대전광역시 유성구 과학나래2길 1 (ANDKWAN NATURAL SCIENCE Inc.) 3. 경기도 부천시 춘의테크노파크 3차 5층 502호 공장 & 기업부설연구소
China Office: 606, 3-2 Shichang Avenue, Huancui District, Weihai City, Shandong Province
CEO: adprwtg@gmail.com
Cooperation & Sales: wtgtradepr@gmail.com
                       And others: whitetigerground@gmail.com

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